Saturday, July 20, 2013

Beer Grain Dog Treats

   My dear hubby of 29 years brews beer and wine @ home. Like anything else homemade, you can control ingredients, additives, preservatives and processing. Its cheaper and you get exactly what you want! After "the mash" (hot water filtering through grains, barley etc. to extract goodness... Think like coffee brewing) there are left over soft, grains. We often add them to the compost, but there is lots of healthy nutrition still available in the grain. So, he decided to let our pups benefit! He found a recipe on the web, and altered it a tad.

WARNING... DO NOT FEED DOGS HOPS OF ANY KIND! They are FATAL to dogs causing malignant hyperthermia! Treats are made with the grains only.

We have done it two ways.
     The first (easiest), all the dough was pressed onto a cookie sheet into one large mass. The treats were then cut into squares, mid cooking, while warm and pliable. When cooking was complete the treats are broken easily along score lines into squares. You can cut any size treat square you like.
The second option (cuter but more time consuming) is to cut the dough into cute shapes (i.e.. dog bones and paw prints) the same way you do sugar cookies. This is also done mid cooking while dough is soft and warm. Either way the dogs LOVE them!! In order to make the shapes nice, we used a metal spatula to loosen treats from the cookie sheet, and GENTLY broke away the excess. We did this after the treats finished baking and cooled just enough to handle. Then we returned all to the oven for overnight drying. The excess treats were broken up into small treat size.
 HOMEMADE peanut butter is a HEALTHY bonus, NO additives or sugar and it's EASY with the food processor. I got my recipe here. I used  planters roasted peanuts, but next time I may try buying raw peanuts and roasting myself. First the recipe...

Then the cool pix.
We, Dante and Kokomo, think it's extra cool we get homemade beer grain treats! (notice the cat, Pandemonium photo bombing)
We are twins from same litter but, look and act VERY differently. We both will however, lay down or sit and stay for a yummy treat!

                                    Dry treats stored in treat jar for later!!

Massive can of peanuts from Sams. We like peanut butter


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